He ventured down to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to help his Papa and GMa empty some important things out of the house after a renter left a big mess and quite a smell! His help scored him some excellent toys, though, and a nice visit with many good family friends!

He also managed to fit in turning 1 yr old! We are still in shock. He wasn't too keen on cake since I didn't serve it in pureed form, but he did make an attempt at mushing it around his tray before getting annoyed that it was sticking to him. :) Many of his favorite people were able to come celebrate with us! And of course in true D'Addario fashion he celebrated an entire birthday week, including a trip to the Gaylord to see the dancing fountains, tree lighting, and get snowed on, which he last did when he was no bigger than a mitten...but don't worry, this time he wore Papa's hat for protection!

Sadly one of the things Ollie got for his birthday was a cold, so we missed the last swim class where we would have gotten to take pictures. Somehow boogery/fevery baby and cold pool with other babies didn't sound like a winning combination. Hopefully we won't miss picture day for the next go 'round of classes! Luckily we got to spend our boogery days with family in Buffalo for Thanksgiving where it snowed a few inches to get us ready for Christmas! Much fun was had by letting 21 lb Ollie ride around in the box previously occupado by our 21lb turkey. Ollie got to see a few Santas which was a lot of fun. Normally we'd have gotten great photos since Ollie is such a social little bug who loves everyone, but most of his photos have that feverish glassy-eyed dazed look that can only come from spending nights sleeping upright in a recliner with your baby-boogied covered Momma and her GMa reinforcements!

Fortunately his cold is much better and he's ready for December festivities to begin! We will keep you posted! But let's be honest, we're not sure when, so Happy Happy Joy Joy to everyone in advance!! :D